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A brief explanation of stem cells

Stem cells are present in the human body (in bone marrow and in cord blood, amongst other areas) and are responsible for the regeneration of tissues, the immune system and blood cells.

Umbilical cord stem cells are cells that are particularly adapted to division and can be put to extremely diverse medical use. They are obtained through a simple puncture made in the vein, directly after the umbilical cord has been clamped.

Umbilical cord stem cells still possess their full-length telomeres. These are those sections of chromosomes necessary for the frequent division and growth capacity of a cell. Telomeres are responsible for our body’s ageing process and become ever shorter during the course of life, due to repeated cell division processes.

Umbilical cord stem cells thus have special capabilities on account of their complete telomeres. Furthermore, since this concerns the body’s own cells, there is no fear of a rejection reaction when applied at a later date.
